
Understanding Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth, a common issue among young adults and teenagers, can start causing discomfort as early as 16 or 17 years old. This is typically the time when these third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) begin to erupt or emerge from the gums. Owing to their location at the back of your mouth, they often collect food particles and become an area where inflammation can set up.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

The symptoms associated with impacted wisdom teeth are generally subtle and can be easily overlooked. One such symptom is a generalized soreness in the bottom jaw more frequently than at the top – a result of irregular angulation or angle development of the tooth. Unlike other teeth that grow vertically, some impacted wisdom teeth develop horizontally due to limited space available for them.

This lack of space often leads to indistinct pain in your lower jaw which could sometimes radiate upwards if it’s actually originating from one of your lower wisdom teeth. It’s important to note that while you may not experience any immediate trouble with impacted wisdom teeth; over time inflammation might occur due to accumulated food particles or injuries around partially covered molar(s).

Potential Complications Due To Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Besides causing discomfort & pain, impacted wisdom teeth pose additional dental health risks particularly when situated close to adjacent molars. In many cases they’re so close together that neither patients nor dentists are able to keep those areas clean resulting in decay on second molars.

Contrary to popular belief however, there isn’t much pressure exerted by these third molars on adjacent ones since most times our jaws simply aren’t long enough for them all! The real problem arises when people inadvertently bite down on the gum and cheek tissue overlying these wisdom teeth, due to the lack of space. This repeated damage to soft tissues can then become yet another source of discomfort & pain.

In conclusion, understanding symptoms related to impacted wisdom teeth can be crucial in early detection and subsequent treatment. Regular dental check-ups are therefore highly recommended for maintaining good oral health as well as preventing potential complications arising from untreated impacted wisdom teeth.